What is Powder Coating?

Powder coating is a process of coating metal with a lustrous, even and high quality polymer finish.


Powder coating is a process of coating metal with a lustrous and high-quality polymer finish which is applied in a dry powder form and then heated to a fluid state to bond it to the metal surface. It is one of the most durable and environmentally friendly ways to apply colour to aluminium. The final, lustrous coating is extremely weather resistant and long lasting, the colour you choose for your new door is not only resistant to uv damage but also has a reduced risk to scratches and abrasions and will never require re-painting.

Made by Smart Warranty

A superior finish that is designed to last

The final lustrous finish is applied with meticulous care, providing beautiful protection to your Designer Door – even in the harshest coastal environment.

  • Strength

    Your door will have a reduced risk to chipping, scratching and abrasions.

  • UV Resistant

    The colour you choose will remain bright and vibrant for longer than conventional coatings.

  • Weather Resistant

    The coating provides a strong resistance to moisture, chemicals and extreme weather conditions.


An environmentally friendly process

  • No Solvents

    Powder coating contains no solvents and release almost zero VOC’s (volatile organic compounds) into the atmosphere.

  • Less Waste

    During the painting process, our advanced technology allows us to capture 98% of the excess powder that is used in the booth during coating; the powder is then re-used.

  • No Pollutants

    Another environmental advantage of powder coating is that it doesn’t release any hazardous air pollutants (HAPs).

  • Less CO₂ Emissions

    Liquid paints are known for their high levels of harmful emissions, causing a significant impact on our carbon footprint. In comparison, powder coatings release no solvent emissions.

  • Recycled Rainwater

    We capture 220,000 gallons of rainwater to use in our pre-treatment process. The water is filtered, recycled and reused before being released back into the environment.

Download the Smart colour guide

Our 5 carefully curated collections are comprised of our customers’ favourite colours. Each collection is not only distinctive in look and mood but has been expertly created to suit every style and home. If you would like a colour guide posted to you, please use the link below to request a printed version from a Designer Door installer in your area.

Powder coating 25 year guarantee

We guarantee our paint finish will maintain its brilliance for 25 years and will be protected against the following faults: peeling, powdering and blistering; corrosion except due to bending or folding after the application of the paint; chalking, fading and loss of sheen out of the Qualicoat regulation and filiform corrosion.

Our Guarantees